[edit] fuck. my studying is going NOWHERE. nowhere. absolutely bloody nowhere 0_o i still have so much to finish. exactly 2 weeks to go. i don't think i've been this unprepared for an exam since like sec3. this is disturbing. i need to play like mad today. so i can guilt myself into doing more shit for e next 2 weeks -.-
i'm tired of constantly reaching out.. its come to the point where i don't want to pull anymore, i want to be pulled. i've lost the spirit to fight for alot of things. it just feels so pointless sometimes. cos it feels like only cos i pull, then it comes. shrugs. [/edit]
gosh. my impromptu visit to my mum in paris is turning out to be some massive family holiday 0_o hahaha. which i don't mind of course. my mum's going to paris for work early june, so i was like since we're in the same bloody continent, we gotta go somewhere together. so ok larh, then i thought was gonna be for a few days, maybe to southern france? and then now she tells me she wants to go dijon and all that (plus vineyards WOOHOO) for a week. win. then my dad heard and he was like OOOH i might pop by if i'm heading up to austria for work and we can DRIVE around -.- so the moment i get back from italy, e next day i'm taking e train up to france for a weeklong holiday. ahahaha. winner :p so that means i only have like 7 days after exams, and 6 days after france in london. doinks -.- so much for spending more time in london.
sighs. STEF!!! since you're post-exams, go watch loveless. its anime. hahaha. think you'll like it (;
deathcab with shib tmr! whee.
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